
Parrot Head Club

Our Activities


Club meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, usually. If the annual Meeting of the Minds is being held, we’ll be there. Just check our calendar if you’re not sure.


We Always Leave The World A Little Better Than We Found It.


“Angels in Tropical Shirts” we support Adopt-A-Road, Collier County Beach cleanups, Meals of Hope, Ronald McDonald House, Grace Place, our annual Relay For Life, and Alzheimer’s Association.

Parrot Heads in Paradise

We are an officially sanctioned chapter of the National organization. You can find out more about PHIP here.


Check out our calendar for meeting dates, local events, fund-raisers and stuff we Phind Phun!


New members are always welcome to join for an evening of phun, phriendship and phood.

About Us

We are a fully chartered and officially recognized chapter of Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. (PHIP), and also a 501(c)(3) Not for Profit Organization.

Our main purpose is to gather like-minded people in the appreciation of the music of Jimmy Buffett and the tropical, laid back lifestyle it conveys while giving back to our community. Although we will find almost any excuse to enjoy a cold boat drink, good music & fun, the club also has a mission to be involved in local and national charitable causes.

Contact Us

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